Bring out your best, most youthful self with our groundbreaking organic age reversal system. Our products will rejuvenate, nourish your body and mind from the inside out. Backed by cutting-edge research, our formulas offer a holistic approach to age-defying wellness. Experience the difference of scientifically-developed products that work in harmony with your body's natural flow. Begin a new chapter of anti-aging where our innovative organic age reversal system delivers real results.
“ For the last 16 years, I have experienced extremely painful menstruation and other not so pleasant symptoms. I started using the Green NaturaLaser on the inside of my ankles and in my navel with amazing results. My ankle swelling and other PMS symptoms were dramatically reduced. Now, with the addition of 1 drop of Mint Matrix to my ankles, navel, and lower abdomen, my severe menstrual cramps have been eliminated! I am now active, energized, and feeling fabulous every day of the month! I am forever grateful for these products! ” — Velvet C., FL

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" Sports injuries during my youth restricted my right shoulder mobility for years. I couldn’t raise my right arm above shoulder height and it was often painful. A few minutes after rubbing just 2 sprays of Citrus Silk Serum on my hands and face I heard and felt a gentle “pop” in my right shoulder and I felt it loosen up. I wiggled it around and raised it over my head and was able to touch my left shoulder for the first time in years! It’ s been 3 weeks now and I have complete mobility in this shoulder and no pain. ” — Dale K., ME

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" I’m very impressed with Replenish with Love!!! Have been using it on the bottoms of my feet at night just before bed. Best part… not needing any more Magnesium, Potassium or Zinc supplements as have been testing “no” every morning. No noticeable body odor even when using Replenish Love every other day. Awesome product!!! Love it! " Harriett Y. NV.

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It was about 5 years ago and I was dealing with a degenerative bone disease. Most of my teeth were cracking and crumbling. I had to get extensive dental work and see a naturopath about mineral suppliments immediately.She gave me Mint Matrix and AUM Clay (currently Oral Care+ Powder) to take use on my teeth with the Red Laser. I actually grew new teeth enamel. No damage was found in the x-ray! I saved a couple hundred dollars in dental work! Wish I used it sooner! I could have saved even more money and prevented bone loss and physical damage! A pure miracle! Thank you pureVibranz!!! - Julie G, Regina, Canada

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" The SilverWazh+ Nasal spray is great to when you have a cold, running nose, allergy or any sinus issues. It helped cleared my sinus and nasal drips in second to help me sleep peaceful through out the night, and definitely helps me with the seasonal allergies as well. I used it at least twice a day or as needed depends on the situation. It is small and easy to carry around so it is very convenient for me when needed on the go. " - Van B., NV

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" My son gave me a pendant in April of this year and I wouldn’t take it off. I immediately felt a sense of strength. I had cramps in my feet for many years and would wake up in the night with Charley horses and would hop around the room trying to release them. They have completely stopped since the day I put on the pendant. Thank you pureVibranz! " - Katherine P., MI

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" The first time I put the Orion Disc on, I was detoxing with running nose, watery eyes and feel run down so I had to take it off. It took me several weeks with wearing them off-on for 20-30 minutes at a time before I was able to get acclimated to the pendant. Once the detoxing period was over, I was able to wear it 24 hrs a day. It is a powerful pendant, one has to phase up in order to wear it regularly " - Van B., NV

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" After reading about how others have responded emotionally to the Intention Disc I began reflecting on my use of this pendant. I wear my intention disc as a necklace every day to work. I work at a hospital which is rife with patient drama, nurse/doctor/staff conflicts and inter-office politics. It can be a very emotionally draining and contentious atmosphere in which to work. I have even been the target of a fair amount of (unwarranted) character assassination. As I said, after reading about the emotional aspects of wearing the Intention Disc I began to realize how every day I’ve gone to work, somehow, even though I was initially feeling depressed, unmotivated or worried about what the day held and, except for a few of the worst days, I have been able to go in with enthusiasm and a smile on my face. I really do believe the disc helps me process my feelings and fortify me for the day. I do notice I feel stronger and more self-assured without there really being any other reason for this confidence other than I am wearing the disc. " - D. Davis

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" I have developed Arthritis in my hands and one of the areas that is the most severe is in my right thumb which was really bothering me the other night. Any time I would bend or flex it there would be a sharp pain in it. All I did was take the Red Laser and hold it on the spot where the pain was originating and in 10 or 15 seconds the pain was totally gone. I love to play the piano and using the laser on it gives me full dexterity of my hand and thumb. It is just wonderful to be able to have access to something that can really change your life. " - Don, TX

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